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Mr Roland Doven MBE JP

Roland has held a number of senior positions in the voluntary and statutory sectors.  For 20 years, he served as a Magistrate in Inner London and for 19 years was an Independent Member of The Parole Board for England and Wales. He was also previously a Board Member of The Big Lottery Fund (where he chaired both the Audit and Risk Committee and Equality Forum), adjudicated on conduct allegations against barristers, was a Lay member of the General Medical Council, and both a non-executive director of the Primary Care Trust and an Executive Council Member for Children and Health in Lambeth.

He was The Director of Programmes for the Association of Charitable Foundations and Assistant General Secretary of The Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants. He has chaired the Grants Committee of C21, a project of Stonewall, and was a trustee of Addaction, the alcohol and drug charity. He has co-founded two charities, The National Association of Bereavement Services and The Community Advice Flat.

In 2004 Roland was awarded the MBE for services to the community.

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Mr Roland Doven MBE JP